Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Purpose injury -boys

Having a few families ask me about the dangers of  'boys play' and children discuss 'purpose hurting' by friends in the playground in sensitive areas I have posted this. 

Purpose injury for Testicle pain
When a something hits a pair of testicles, a signal is sent to the brain at approximately 265 miles per hour. The brain then responds and sends an alert down the spine, into both the groin and the abdomen. The testicles brew a batch of neurotransmitters called Substance P, which are associated with both pain and the inflammation processes. The testicles send Substance P through the spinal column into the the part of the brain called the somatosensory cortex, which is responsible for processing physical sensations.

Next, the brain releases endorphins to relax person, leading to decreased oxygen levels within the brain. Of course, the decrease in oxygen causes a throbbing headache and sometimes nausea. Stomach and testicle sacks share the same pain receptors, meaning that when a set of testicles is harmed, men often clutch their stomachs and bend over.
Getting kicked in the testicles can also cause dizziness, as the inner ears might experience a flux in fluids. Stomach pain mixed with nausea with a twist of dizziness. Therefor "Falling to the ground and going into the foetal position," is common. Getting kicked in the testicles can lead  also to vomiting.

An increased heart rate and increase in body temperature due to the trauma will often cause the person to sweat. As the minutes pass, the injured testicles will swell and the skin around could appear red and feel sore to the touch. A part of the brain called the cervical sympathetic ganglia would be activated, which controls the salivary glands of the face, resulting in tearing or crying.

Recovery from such a swift and intense pain that usually lasts for about 15 minutes? Lay down on persons back, equilibrium can begin to be reestablished as blood can flow more easily to the brain," Lying down will restore oxygen to the brain, help with the pounding headache, diminish the nausea. By replenishing fluids will help the body.

If swelling occurs or pain last after 1 hour GP to be seen.

Hurting should be disciplined (psycho education of the harm they are doing) and should have consequences for the hurting.

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