Saturday 13 June 2015

Unconditional Positive Regard for one another

It's something every human needs to flourish but how often is it given? Children florish when the have it, but do they get it from their social others or the environment they live in? Adult too flourish  when unconditional positive regard has been given.

So what is Positive Regard?
Respect for another person. Being non-judgmental and impartial with the person on their take of life.
Taking a person as who they are in the here and now, the whole person in that moment of time regardless to their actions and what they are saying. Giving a message of I accept you no matter what.

What is Unconditional? Valuing a person and accepting them as a unique individual without expected conditions. Acceptance of another person, and their views, opinions and beliefs the whole of them. Nurturing and caring for another person at that moment in time, and being conscious of their needs rather than your own.
Allowing a child or an adult a voice accepting of it even if it's wrong. Validation of their thought or action without imposition or judgement whilst bring in your own view point.

A 2year old Child has filled all the family shoes with water. They worked out that 5 of their shoes filled Daddies. Most parents would get cross with the thought of a soaking wet floor and the families shoes all wet .

Maths and Science is the basis of how a child learns and children will find a way to explore getting into what at face value us mischief. Most families would punish for such an act. But we need to look beyond that. Conditions of worth are put on with no positive regard to what the child has done or learnt.

Validation that they are doing maths, validation they could count upto 5 by themselves, validation that working out by filling small and tipping into large means you get more. But saying kindly that the hall way is not a good place for water play giving a suggestion of the bath tub or the outside.
By replacing shoes with tubs of varying sizes so they can continue their science project in a less harming way as the family need dry shoes would be in the end far more productive.

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