Sunday 29 June 2014

What kind of parent are you?

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Styles of parenting have an impact on children, for the optimum outcome for your child you need an Authoratitive style to your parenting.

There are 4 styles:
Authoritarian: based on threat punishment to get your child to do what is required by the adult. Harsh boundaries with no exceptions, setting child up to fail so punishment can be given. Control and power over child to child's detriment.

Authoritative: based on discipline (not punishment), frontal lobe learning; guidance and support in what to do next time, learning for the future.

Permissive: based on inconsistent discipline and punishment as well as relaxed to harsh boundaries. This giving no consistency for the growing infant.

Non conformist: based on not conforming to authority bodies or persons in authority.

Where do we need to strive to?
Authoritative parenting: positive emotion response parenting, it forms connections in the frontal lobes in the brain. Enabling children to cope and manage better. The basis again is reflection, empathy, guidance and learning.

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