Thursday 29 May 2014

Brain basics...

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We are born with two parts of our brains operating the third develops after birth.

The primal part of our brain has not been changed by evolution.
-hunger response
- breathing
-temperature control
- flight, fight, freeze flop reactions

All done without our conscious awareness.

The mammalian part of our brain triggers emotional responses.
-separation distress
-nurturing care
-social bonding
-fun and playfulness
-linked to control of the primitive brain
-lust (later adolescence and adults only)

Triggered unconsciously but can be controlled consciously with help from frontal lobes on start of reaction.

The frontal lobes is the part of our brain which develops after birth. Responsive parenting develops frontal lobes.
-problem solving
-self awareness
-right and wrong
-cause and effect

These are learnt, reproduced, maintained by the child's environment and social contact. Even children with difficulties can learn these skills, it may take a long time compared to others, constant repetition and much patience as well as constant boundaries, authoritative reflection and empathy; but the brain can do it!
When the frontal lobes is cut off from the other parts of the brain (in cases of harsh authoritarian parenting and child abuse) this can cause cruelty in a person.

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