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Rage is beyond the angry or distressed child. Those who live with children in rage cycles know how difficult this can be to manage. If the child can talk fluently it is a power based rage, if the child can not talk fluently and is emotional in response it is distress rage.
Rage is an emotional response which has gone out of control, the brain frontal lobes has gone off line. There is no guilt, no remorse, no consequence, no limits or boundaries.
Rage (power) physical reaction biting, hitting out, throwing, hurting others, thrashing, swearing, without stopping.
Rage (distress) physical reaction in hurting themselves, pulling at selves, uncontrollable crying and emotions, self harm, manic reactions.
For these children a secure safe containment is needed; easier said than done. As the children are in a state of hyper arousal they need people around them to contain them, they can not manage themselves.
Parents need to learn safe holding techniques, a parent carer must be calm without emotion in doing this. This needs to be done so they feel safe so the opioids and oxytocin brain chemicals are released. Verbal dialogue should be calm reassuring not blaming and angry; this will only heighten responses.
Rage system are caused by slow immature systems of dopamine and noradrenaline, easy distraction, impulsiveness, unfocused, unable to define or redefine, manic behaviours.
Rage systems are produced by parent carers unconsciously or consciously not responding to their child's needs of safety, fair boundaries, rupture and repair cycle, blame shame cycle, incorrect distress tantrums management and incorrect power tantrum management.
It can be corrected, given the right management.
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